Sunday, February 22, 2009

Clancy and Connor

The boys hanging out on a Saturday night.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

First time with solid food

Todd had an opportunity to meet up with Courtney and Clancy in Jacksonville, FL for the last few days of their trip. We stayed with Granny and G-daddy at Jim and Anne's house in Ponte Vedra. It was a great trip and we got to see Uncle Jimmy and cousin John as well. Clancy had rice cereal for the first time and we all got to be there for the experience!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Pierpoints

The O'Leary cousins

Brecken and Clancy taking a bath.

Finnegan playin basketball.

Aidan, Finnegan, Clancy and Brecken.

More family time

Clancy got a lot of quality time with Aunt Carol in Charlotte and Gigi (his great-grandmother) in Fayetteville.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First time swimming

Clancy enjoyed his first time swimming in Charlotte.

Clancy's second trip to North Carolina!

Clancy and Courtney made another trip to North Carolina to see the family. He got to spend lots of time with Granny and G-daddy!