Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More with Granny and G-Daddy

Clancy had a great time with his cousins, Aunt Pam, Uncle David, and of course Granny and G-Daddy.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

8 months old!

Clancy is having a great time with his cousins on their trip to Texas. Here he is with Delaney, while Luke is off playing in another room. Granny, G-Daddy, Uncle David and Aunt Pam are all here visiting!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Blue Angels in Corpus Christi

We went to the Blue Angels practice show on Friday before all the big weekend crowds. Clancy had a minor meltdown in the car when we got there, but Granny stayed with him until he was ready to come see the airplanes. He did great after that, even with all the loud noise.

He is more interested in watching the airplanes than posing for photos.

Check out those sweet ear muffs!
Clancy even got to see the aiplane his dad used to fly...the P-3. This one flew in from Jacksonville.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

He's not going to be real happy about these first two photos when we show them to him as a teenager! We had a great first Easter with Clancy; we went to Church and lunch with the Ockers.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Learning new foods

Clancy is enjoying all the new foods his mom is making for him. Courtney has been great about making all his food so far. It's a lot of work, but worth it!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

San Diego trip

We went to San Diego for a trip to see the family, and also attend the wedding of one of Todd's friends from high school, Erin Regan. We even got to spend a night away from Clancy and went to Las Vegas for a quick 2 day trip. We stayed at the Wynn and saw Blue Man Group. In classic Courtney and Todd fashion, we didn't get a single picture taken in Vegas or at the wedding.

Nana, Papa, and the 3 grandkids...Kate, Avery, and Clancy.

Clancy and Avery watching "Classical Baby."